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Oyster Bay seeks to protect Peninsula Golf Course from development

Town of Oyster Bay officials are determined to protect Massapequa’s Peninsula Golf Course for public use and are taking decisive action to stop potential development of the beloved green space. Faced with the owner’s plan to sell the course to a developer, the Town Council acted quickly to protect the scenic and environmentally sensitive land.

Oyster Bay seeks to protect Peninsula Golf Course from development

Negotiations failed and eminent domain was imminent:

Upon learning of the impending sale, Supervisor Joseph Saladino approached the owners and urged them to reconsider. He proposed two options: sell the course to City Hall or designate it as a permanent recreational site, thus effectively stopping the development of the course. Unfortunately, neither effort was successful.

Undaunted, the town council took bolder action – the eminent domain process. This legal process allows the Town to acquire property against the owner’s will, provided fair compensation is provided. Despite overwhelming support for the acquisition from residents, environmentalists, and golfers at a public hearing held in June 2021, an amicable agreement with the property owner remains elusive.

Protect open space and public access:

In addition to its recreational value, the Peninsula Golf Course plays a critical role in the environmental well-being of the community. It serves as a critical drainage channel that prevents flooding in areas previously damaged by Superstorm Sandy. By preserving this open space, the Town aims to ensure its ecological benefits and play an important role in preventing future flooding hazards.

The Town Council’s commitment to public access is unwavering. Their plan envisions protecting this land and keeping it open for future generations to enjoy. This will ensure that everyone, not just private developers, can benefit from this precious outdoor space.

The future is uncertain, but the resolve is strong:

While the exact outcome of the eminent domain proceedings remains uncertain, the City Council’s determination to protect the Peninsula Golf Course is clear. Their swift and decisive action demonstrates their commitment to preserving open space, prioritizing environmental protection, and ensuring recreational opportunities for all residents.

The future of the Peninsula Golf Course hangs in the balance, but one thing is certain: the Town of Oyster Bay is fully committed to preserving this community treasure for future generations.


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