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Henan a high school teacher recruitment salary is less than 1K?Official: Workers make mistakes

Recently, a teacher recruitment notice in Lushan County No. 2 Senior High School in Pingdingshan City, Henan Province has attracted public opinion attention due to “salary is less than 1,000 yuan”.

In the middle of the night on March 25th, the public account of the WeChat public account of the Lushan County Education and Sports Bureau “Lushan Education” responded that recently, Lushan Er Gao participated in the dual election meeting of Henan Normal University in 2024.The operation error was operated when the dual -election platform was registered, and the salary standard of recruiting teachers was not selected. The system was default to “below 1k”.

The Lushan County Education and Sports Bureau said that on March 22, Henan Normal University found an error at the venue and immediately corrected it.On March 23, when Lushan Er Gao was registered at the scene, the comprehensive salary was 4,000-6000 yuan in accordance with the wages of public institutions stipulated in the state regulations.On March 25, when receiving the consultation of netizens, the staff of the Education Bureau and the Lushan Second High Office responded to mistakes because of unknown situations, causing misunderstandings to netizens, inconvenient, and now sincere apologies.

At the same time, the Lushan County Education and Sports Bureau attached the announcement of the bureau’s 2024 campus recruitment high school teachers’ announcement in 2024.Among them, Lushan County Second Senior Middle School recruits 5 teachers for primary and secondary schools for care for some universities.