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Us sneaker design

The four schools linkage Xi’an Longmen Education to conduct a lecture on tactics and tactics for the high school entrance examination!

  In order to help the school’s students to establish goals in a comprehensive and accurate help, guide them to find a learning method that suits them during the review and sprint stage.Recently, the senior middle and college entrance examination education experts of Xi’an Longmen Tutoring School, National Secondary Psychological Counselor, Family Education Senior Lecturer, Senior Career Planner Cross -Strait, Founder of Assault Word Training Course Model, Deputy President of Langmen Education, Chief Training of Longmen EducationShi Kong Xianjun brought the students of the four major campuses of the school’s middle school entrance examination department.





  President Kong used full enthusiasm, a relaxed atmosphere, and vivid and interesting explanation, alleviating the nervousness of the candidates, stabilizing the emotions of candidates who are about to face the entrance examination, and helping them to master effective pre -examination tactics, mobilizing them to actively face the exams actively to face the exam.The mentality also inspired the children’s learning internal driving force and benefited the students present.



  The positive mentality in the preparation process is half of the success. President Kong guides students to maintain a good mentality in daily learning to give themselves positive power. At the same timeThe beliefs, use efforts and actions to achieve goals.



  Through this lecture, the students of the Central Examination Department expressed their benefits a lot. Everyone not only learned the method of cultivating optimism and positive mentality, but also obtained the magic weapon in the preparation of the high school entrance examination.More importantly, this lecture enhanced the confidence of the students, injecting full vitality into the next study and life, so that everyone can prepare for the high school entrance examination in a better state!