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Your "health code" has been upgraded. Do you know the new features?

Changsha Evening News, Changsha, March 29 (All Media Reporter Fu Rongrong) Hunan resident health card was revised and upgraded in late February 2024, and simultaneously launched the resident electronic health file authorization sharing service. At present, the new version of Hunan resident health card WeChatPublic account (later referred to as a health card) has been launched for 1 month.What is the function of a health card?What is the significance to both doctors and patients?The reporter recently entered major hospitals and launched a field visit.
Health card directly connected to Changsha’s 50 hospital registration system
Open the WeChat public account of the Hunan residents’ health card.: I want to register, my archives, prescription services, Internet hospitals.
Click I want to register to jump to Hunan Province to unified reservation for the registration service platform. It includes 50 hospitals in Changsha and 397 hospital registration information in the province.Quick online registration during the clinic time.
On the evening of the 27th, Zheng Zheng came to the emergency department of the First Hospital of Changsha City.”I have a high fever for a day and want to register a number. Can I do it without an ID card?” Before the guide, Zheng asked.After asking the situation of Zheng Zheng, the guidance nurse asked the classmate Zheng to open the health card, scanned the health code of Zheng Zheng, and completed the registration.Subsequently, a series of processes such as inspection, payment, and medicine can be identified by health cards.
The next day, Zheng Zheng came to the Third Hospital of Changsha City near his house to retract, and directly hung himself with a health card.”It turns out that there are so many new functions now.” She showed her mobile phone to show that the number of many hospitals can also be hung through the health card.Search for the registration platform of various hospitals. “
Since last year, our province has strived to build a “six medical linkage” intelligent information platform for medical health, medical insurance, medicine, medical ethics, medical style, medical and teaching and research, strengthen interconnection, and build a hygiene of large platform support, big service benefits, big data empowerment empowermentThe health information system helps the high -quality development of health and health undertakings, and brings more benefits and convenience for the masses to see medical treatment and health management.
“Electronic Health Card (code) is a national unified electronic medical card certificate, affiliated resident ID card and other valid documents. It has the characteristics of ‘one person, one yard, national universal’, which is different from the consultation card produced by various medical institutions in the early stage.The province has completed the transformation of the application environment of public hospitals and grassroots medical institutions above the second level, and basically realized the application of a full process of the entire process of medical services. “Ni Youping, director of the Planning Development and Information Division of the Provincial Health and Health Commission, introduced that residents can pass the electronic health card (code code (code code (code code) Realize medical services such as registration, consultation, inspection and inspection results query.
The Hunan Provincial Unified Appointment Registration Service Platform is a convenient service measure launched by the Hunan Provincial Health Commission.The platform relies on medical institutions to make an appointment for the registration service system and the registration platform for appointment in various regions. It provides all sources, including experts, professors, associate professors, etc., to facilitate the registration of the masses, and provide more convenient online registration services for the massesEssence
Portable “electronic medical records”, no “big bags and small bags” are required to be retracted
“From Xiangxi to Zhuzhou, Xiangtan, to Changsha, there are many hospitals. I did not expect that it was no longer ‘I run with medical records’, but ‘electronic medical records followed me’, it was really convenient.”The oncology hospital, Ms. Zhu from Xiangxi, admired the new version of the Hunan Resident Health Card.
Ms. Zhu, 55, has been suffering from breast cancer for 2 years. On March 19, she came to Hunan Cancer Hospital to resume a clinic. After Ms. Zhu was authorized, the doctor quickly retracted Ms. Zhu’s past on the health file sharing platform.Cases, the earliest traceability until 2020. There is no need to read a large amount of paper materials, and the retransmit becomes smooth.”In the past, they all ran to Changsha with a bunch of things with ‘big bags’, for fear of leaking which key information. Now the doctor can read in the system, which is much more convenient for patients.” Ms. Zhu said.
Ouyang, director and chief physician of Hunan Cancer Hospital, said that tumor patients should have long -course management, and each retraining information is very valuable. In the past, patients were often lost, which brought many inconvenience to diagnosis and treatment.”Now we will consult their historical medical records after obtaining the authorization of patients, comprehensively understand their past medical experience, and provide a basis for accurately judging the current condition and formulating personalized treatment plans to avoid leakage and misdiagnosis, reduce repeated examinations, diagnosis and medication.Improve the efficiency and quality of medical services. “
It is meaningful for the patient’s medical records to be diagnosed by Chinese medicine.Li Yan came to Changsha Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital (Changsha No. 8 Hospital) internal medicine in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and wanted to prescribe a few headaches.”I took a doctor prescribed by a doctor from Qianzhen Shangzhen, but it was lost. Later, I did n’t use it as good medicine.” Liu Yong, deputy chief physician Liu Yong, after seeing Li YanAfter obtaining the authorization of Li Yan, he immediately found the prescription prescribed by Li Yan’s 2020 at the Jinjing Town Health Center.”Although I found the prescription applicable to the past, time has passed too long, and the use of traditional Chinese medicine should be adjusted according to the patient’s current physical condition.” Liu Yong told Li Yan.
Liu Yong said that many patients who want to find the prescriptions like Li Yan for reference and prescribing new medicines are prescribed.After the health card system realizes the network function, it not only provides patients with convenient ways to check the Chinese medicine records they have taken in the past, thereby avoiding that they must deliberately retain the needs of the paper prescription, but also bring great great Chinese medicine doctors to doctors of Chinese medicine doctors.The convenience allows doctors to easily find the patient’s past suitable prescriptions, and refer to the patient’s medication history, and then consider this medication plan.Traditional Chinese medicine is a highly dependent discipline. Therefore, by querying the prescriptions of patients, Chinese medicine doctors can also learn and learn from other physicians’ medical experience to continuously improve their medical level.
It is reported that the number of applied users of electronic health archives has been rising, and a maximum of 270,000 people consult their health files.Ni Youping introduced that the provincial health information platform has access to 433 secondary and above public hospitals in the province, opened up the grass -roots health information system, and brought together 46 billion diagnosis and treatment data to form more than 6555,555 standardized electronic health files, which can be residents for residentsBuild a medical and health information service system covering the full life cycle.
The test results of the 12 pilot hospital recognized each other, and there was no need to repeat the examination when the patient transferred to the hospital
Relying on the medical data information of public hospitals within the province within the province’s national health information platform, the medical data information of public hospitals above and above in our province can not only provide residents with authorized inquiry services to residents through the residents’ electronic health card, but also can also be in medical institutions at the same time.Realize data sharing as the data basis for mutual recognition of inspection and inspection results.
A special trip will come to Changsha, register, do inspection, wait for results, do treatment … In the past few years, this is what Mr. Zhou suffering from lung cancer often repeats.It takes at least two days.Now, you can get it in Changsha for a few hours. Mr. Zhou said: “The doctor told me that now the test results recognize each other. I checked in advance at home and came to Changsha to see the results and do radiotherapy.”
It is reported that there are 12 mutual recognition pilot units in our province’s inspection and inspection results, including the Provincial People’s Hospital, Provincial Cancer Hospital, Provincial Children’s Hospital, Provincial Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Hunan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine First Affiliated Hospital, South China University First Affiliated Hospital, etc.The provincial hospitals and 2 municipal hospitals in Changzhutan areas.The content of mutual recognition includes the mutual recognition items of 100 medical imaging tests, and 97 clinical test results mutual recognition items.
Liu Chaoyi, deputy director of the Information Center of Hunan Cancer Hospital, said: “As a pilot hospital, we have accumulated a total of more than a thousand patients with health files, reducing the patient’s repeated examination, and making patients save time and money.”
At present, the results of the original image tests such as X -ray imaging, CT, and magnetic resonance require a large amount of storage space. The results of the medical imaging test in the system only include the conclusion report.In some specific diseases, doctors still need to view the original image materials.In order to facilitate patients when they move to multiple hospitals, they do not have to take the “film” everywhere. Ni Youping introduced to the construction of the “six medical linkage” intelligent information platforms that are being promoted.The cloud platform realizes the online mutual recognition of the inspection results of public medical institutions in the province’s secondary level or above, providing more convenience to both doctors and patients.
Regarding the issue of the opening of electronic health files and personal privacy protection, the reporter learned that the data sources of electronic health archives are official channels, and they need certification and confirmation on the residents to read.EssenceIn this process, relevant departments will strictly follow the relevant provisions of data security use to ensure the protection of personal information.At the same time, when a doctor needs to share or read the patient’s health file information, the patient has the authority to open or close the shared review.