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SANParks allocates R700 million for national park upgrades

In a bid to enhance the visitor experience, South African National Parks (SANParks) has secured an additional R700 million from the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE) to upgrade and modernize the infrastructure of the various national parks.

This huge investment will be used to revitalize and modernize existing infrastructure, much of which dates back to the 1970s and is in need of extensive refurbishment.

“We are very grateful to the Department of Fisheries and Energy for allocating these funds, which will allow us to greatly improve the experience of our national park visitors,” said Hapiloe Sello, SANParks CEO. We are committed to ensuring that our parks continue to be world-class destinations that showcase South Africa’s incredible biodiversity and natural beauty.

SANParks allocates R700 million for national park upgrades

The upgrades will cover a range of facilities, including tourism units in the seven provinces, the main buildings of the rest camps and the roads within the individual national parks. As the works progress, South African National Parks urges visitors to be patient and understanding as some facilities may be temporarily unavailable or delayed.

“We apologize for any inconvenience caused during the restoration of infrastructure,” Selow added. We are committed to minimizing disruptions and ensuring that visitors continue to enjoy their trip to the national park.

The R700 million investment underscores National Parks’ commitment to providing an exceptional visitor experience while preserving the country’s rich natural heritage for future generations.


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