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Seminar Seminar (Chongqing) of the National Primary and Middle School Smart Education Platform Application Work Seminar (Chongqing)

& emsp; & emsp; Recently, the National Primary and Middle School Smart Education Platform Application Work Seminar (Chongqing) was held at the No. 1 Middle School of the University Town of Chongqing High -tech Zone.This seminar was led by the Chongqing Education Information Technology and Equipment Center. The national primary and secondary school smart education platform applied to the Chongqing Liu Xiaohong Expert Team Studio Studio, which brought together outstanding experts and front -line practitioners from the Chongqing -Guangdong area in the field of smart education.The latest research progress, technical application cases and valuable experience in teaching practice fully show the latest development trends and achievements in the field of smart education.

& emsp; & emsp; National Primary and Middle School Smart Education Platform Application Work Seminar (Chongqing) event site.

& emsp; & emsp; Chongqing Liu Xiaohong Expert Team Studio Studio Liu Xiaohong sharing the studio’s innovative practices and positive results.

& emsp; & emsp; Chongqing Liu Xiaohong Expert Team Studio Studio Liu Xiaohong shared the studio’s innovative practices and positive results from four aspects: “Five measures, five -dimensional integration, five major results, and five actions.”According to Liu Xiaohong, the studio adheres to the concept of “application as the king”, innovative “cross -regional collaboration” and “cross -departmental collaboration” two cross -mechanisms, and constantly explore the strategies and paths of platform applications to build “group teams, build mechanisms, strong training,, strong training, andThe comprehensive work structure with the core of application and excellent evaluation is committed to the best allocation of educational resources and its efficient use, which has stimulated the enthusiasm of the school and teachers for the deep application of the platform, and effectively promoted the profound changes in the teaching model.

& emsp; & emsp; Wang Haiyang, president of the No. 1 Middle School of the No. 1 Middle School of the University of Chongqing High -tech Zone, reports on the situation of the school’s use education platform, emphasizing that the high registration rate needs to be matched with effective applications, pointing out that data fragmentation and resource reuse are the main challenges. Platform application promotionExisting problems include insufficient ideological and functional awareness and empirical repetition.Wang Haiyang proposed that the solution involves promoting unified digitalization actions, strengthening attribute definition and campus management, and implementing projects step by step to ensure that each teacher becomes an expert, and through project dynamic management and seed teacher training, promote the popularization of technical expertise and data integration.To realize the effective application of the platform.

& emsp; & emsp; at the seminar site, all studio responsible experts made exchanges.

& emsp; & emsp; experience sharing links, exchanges speeches of the national elementary and middle school smart education platform responsible experts and pilot school representatives.From the different aspects of the application of the smart education platform, they share the direction, work path and practical results in their respective work areas.

& emsp; & emsp; How to cope with the era of rapid changes?President Zhang Xianbin, the responsible expert of the Zhang Xianbin Expert Team Studio of Chongqing, proposed that education needs to break the tradition and cultivate the core literacy of students through the four strategies of changing awareness, the cultivation of results, the exploration of practical paths, and the social responsibility.He emphasized the guiding role of teachers and the importance of home -school cooperation, and advocated the use of platform -based innovation to promote the transformation of education by optimizing the working mechanism and results orientation.

& emsp; & emsp; Zou Xianlian, principal of Xingyuan Primary School, Liangjiang New District, Chongqing, introduced the digital transformation under the concept of “Five Wisdom Xingyuan” from Chongqing Xingyuan Primary School, including the establishment of smart education ecology, breaking technical barriers, adopting diversified teaching methods and adoptionImprove the digital literacy of teachers.She said that this transformation strategy focuses on light capital investment, task -driven and resource sharing, and aims to reconstruct and optimize the educational ecosystem through top -level design and innovative applications.

& emsp; & emsp; Huang Xuguang, director of the Education Department of Education Technology and Resource Development (Central Electrical Education) of the Ministry of Education (Central Electrical Education Museum), gave a summary speech around the sharing of experts.

& emsp; & emsp; “The Ministry of Education is committed to digital construction, with application -driven as the core, pilot the entire province in Guangdong and Hainan, explore the way of digitalization of education, and realize the efficient docking of local education resources and resource sharing with national platforms.”Huang Xuguang, director of the Education Department of Education Technology and Resources Development (Central Electrical Education) of the Ministry of Education (Central Electrical Education Museum), gave a concluding speech, emphasizing that special attention should pay special attention to the update of educational resources and the promotion of information technology to ensure that educational content can meet the needs of all stages.At the same time, through organizational big data competitions and other methods, university experts are encouraged to participate and continuously optimize platform services to provide higher -quality services for teachers, parents and students.

& emsp; & emsp; issue a studio instructor for Huang Xuguang.