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In the era of artificial intelligence, excellent education Kunpeng Youth growth supports talent training

With the rapid development of AI, society put forward new requirements for talent training.What are the abilities of future children?How to cultivate children who can flexibly cope with future changes?

On April 21, the “Growth to the Future -the Launching Meeting of the Excellent Education Kunpeng Youth Growth Camp” jointly launched by the Southern Weekend and Excellent Education was held in Guangzhou.Deputy Secretary and General Manager of the Southern Weekend News Agency, Yao Weixin, Dean of the Southern Weekend Research Institute, Guan Weiying, senior vice president of Excellent Education Group, Cao Tianyi, general manager of Excellent Education Products Center, Wu YurenThe winner of the prize, Hai Yan, gathered together with nearly 300 students’ families to explore the answer of children’s transformation into Peng and growing to the future.

1. Focus on cultivating Kunpeng teenagers, excellent education Kunpeng Youth Growth Camp Start

In 2017, excellent education put forward the brand concept of “growing to the future”, and is committed to digging the personality and potential of each child in an innovative education method, so that children can better cope with future uncertainty.In the past two thousand days and nights, Excellence Education has implemented this brand concept in each product research and development, teaching services and activities.In 2023, Excellent Education released the “Kunpeng Youth Capability System”, which depicts the training goals and portraits of Kunpeng Youth.Today, the official launch of Excellent Education Kunpeng Youth Growth Camp is a further implementation measure of the excellent education on the Kunpeng system, which reflects the high attention and active response to the growth of children’s growth.

Yao Weixin said: “Today, we work with the excellence of excellence in response to the concept of quality education, combined with Kunpeng Youth Growth Camp, in response to the requirements of the new era of education reform and development, jointly build a new pattern of coordinated education, unite multi -party forces, cultivate innovative thinking and innovationSocialist builders and successors with abilities.

Yao Weixin, deputy secretary and general manager of the Southern Weekend News Agency, spoke

How to cultivate Kunpeng teenagers in all directions?Guan Weiying said that it is necessary to build a multi -party force to build an open, diverse and multi -channel growth system.”Excellent education relies on excellent products and the coaching team of Kunpeng to build a ‘institution+scientific research unit+humanistic units+well -known universities+high -tech enterprises+masters+Xueba+Kunpeng coach’ Kunpeng Youth Training System, carry out Master Kunpeng, Master Kunpeng said, Kunpeng Juvenile Tour, Kunpeng competition and other projects, continue to shape the six major capabilities of Kunpeng Youth, and achieve the Kunpeng teenagers who are facing the future.

Excellent Education Kunpeng Youth Growth Camp Panorama Map

Excellent education Kunpeng Youth, open up channel resources such as high -tech enterprises, scientific research units, open up his horizons, discover interests, inspire dreams, and enrich the temperament of Kunpeng’s youth.Outstanding Education Master Kunpeng invited experts and scholars and outstanding representatives (such as scientists, writers, etc.) with social influence in various fields to teach their knowledge to the children, share the unique life wisdom of the master, and inspire the children to actively.Excellent Education Kunpeng said that he invited students who conform to the characteristics of Kunpeng Youth and studying in C9 universities such as Tsinghua University and Peking University to share their learning experiences and growth gains, showing the power of role models and leading the growth of young people.The excellent education Kunpeng competition, through the Ministry of Education’s white list and outstanding host events, let children find their own stage, exert their potential, and realize self -transcendence in challenging.

Guan Weiying, senior vice president of Excellence Education Group, speak

In the new era, more and more competitive talents need to be cultivated. The strong base plan is to reserve high -precision talents for the country.Cao Tianyi said that the excellent education Kunpeng system will cultivate students with excellent future competitiveness through the three -in -one “good teacher, good products, good service”.

Excellent Education Kunpeng Coach Team, composed of senior competition coaches, teachers of graduation competitions in the C9 school, and internal famous teachers, becoming Kunpeng young mentor.Excellent education Kunpeng products, focusing on the six major capabilities of Kunpeng Youth.For example, excellent programming and diverse thinking products focus on stimulating students ‘ability to innovate and create; literary aesthetic education and tick literary training students’ independent thinking and speculative ability.Excellent education has established the Kunpeng full -link service system, accompanied the children to grow into Kunpeng teenagers.

Cao Tianyi suggested: “Children can develop a comprehensive and balanced development and break through superior disciplines; primary and junior high school students can actively participate in the science and technology innovation whitelist competitions to broaden their own horizons; high school students can participate in the five major leagues.”

Cao Tianyi, general manager of the Product Center of Excellence Education Group, spoke

At the launching ceremony, the Guangzhou Institute of Energy of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Guangdong Provincial Museum, and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) were unveiled as a special invitation agency for the excellent education Kunpeng Youth Growth Camp.In the future, they and excellent education will continue to provide high -quality learning resources to help the growth of Kunpeng teenagers.

Excellent Education Kunpeng Youth Growth Camp Starting Ceremony

Second, the master and masters have a wonderful lecture, setting an example for teenagers, stimulating their dreams

Everyone can be a scientist -like person

From the perspective of Wu Yuren, a retired physics professor at Tongji University, most scientists are childish, curious, and are good at discovering, researching, following the primary principles, bravery, confident, and responsible.Get achievement.”Not everyone is a scientist, but everyone can become a scientist -like person.”

As a popular science popular science blogger who has loved the majority of netizens, Wu Yuren showed fun physical experiments to the children on the spot, and used interesting and vivid teaching methods to ignite children’s curiosity and exploration desire.Wu Yuren believes that children can cultivate growth thinking, be keen to explore new things, meet challenges, embrace changes, cherish feedback, take the initiative to learn, and become future scientists -like people.

Wu Yuren interacts with children on the stage

With love and persistence, gain successful life

During the day, he is an ordinary and busy financial worker; at night, he is a sci -fi author who has been paddling.Writing is boring and long. It requires a diligent and self -discipline attitude, and a reasonable plan for time.For many years of reading and writing, the love in his heart is still firm, which also makes his ideals enter the reality.In 2023, “Time and Space Painter” created by Haiyu won the Hugo Award for Best Short Novel Award.

Regarding how to stimulate the reading interest of young people, Hai Yan believes: “Reading should be free and tolerant. We have never been able to improve their achievements immediately, but to see a wider world.Heart and imagination “”

Hai Yan talked about “Let Literary Creation Put the Wings of Imagination”

Wonderful sharing of prestigious schools to highlight the role of examples

Li Shiyang, who entered Peking University and won a number of competition awards through a strong base plan, shared his goal implementation methods, competition experience and gains with his children and parents.In his opinion, the competition is a preview of the college entrance examination. Because of the strictness of the competition, the test of mentality and college entrance examination are comparable.At the same time, the competition is also a duel of thinking, bringing you a solid and rich knowledge and meticulous thinking ability.

(Li Shiyang Share)

3. Kunpeng teenager, grow to the future

Kunpeng teenager grows towards the future.Through this launch meeting, parents and children listened to the wonderful sharing of masters and masters, and had more thinking and attention to learning and growth.

Next, Excellent Education will continue to carry out the Kunpeng Youth Growth Camp. Relying on Kunpeng Products and Coach Kunpeng, through the integration of internal and external resources, the Master Kunpeng’s class, the master of Kunpeng, the Kunpeng Youth, the Kunpeng competition and other projects will continueBig ability -learning ability, speculation, aesthetic, creativity, communication, health, and achieved warm and pure heart, solid and rich knowledge, clear and firm love, exploring the extreme potential, and clear and stable valuesjuvenile.