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The Ministry of Education launches national training for the construction and management of teaching materials

According to the website of the Ministry of Education, in accordance with the National Teaching Materials Committee to strengthen the deployment of teaching materials construction and management series, from April 23 to April 26, the Ministry of Education held a training course for national textbook management personnel at the National College of Education to officially launch teaching materials construction and management countries.Level training.Wang Jiayi, a member of the Party Group, Deputy Minister, and Governor of the Ministry of Education attended and made a special report.

Wang Jiayi pointed out that the development of teaching materials construction and management of national training is a major measure to implement the 20th spirit of the party.A strong political position, strong professional level, and familiarity with teaching materials policy work team.The teaching material front should thoroughly study and implement the important instructions of the General Secretary of the Supreme Leadership on the work of teaching materials, and make every effort to build a statement of teaching materials to build a state of power, the effectiveness of the soul -making education, the national strategy, the construction of China’s independent knowledge system, the perfect textbook governance system, the teaching materials of the textbookResearch and organizational implementation key tasks to comprehensively improve the construction and management level of teaching materials in the new era.

In the training class, the Ministry of Education, the Central Party School, Beijing Normal University, Capital Normal University and other departments related comrades and well -known experts and scholars in the field of textbooks, focusing on the spirit of the General Secretary of the Supreme Leadership, the spirit of teaching materials work, teaching materials policy documents, international development dynamics, etc.Make a special report.The training also arranged for group discussions, special exchanges, and on -site teaching.