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The "Green Interdisciplinary Course" Municipal Scenic Sailor Conference was held at Chaoyang School in Beijing Second Experimental Primary School

In order to promote the in -depth development of “green education”, on April 17, the “Construction of the ConstructionGreen interdisciplinary theme courses have been successfully held in Beijing Second Experimental Primary School Chaoyang School in Beijing Second Experimental Primary School.
The Chaoyang School of Beijing Second Experimental Primary School takes the concept of “green education” as the core, and proposes the school -running concept of “‘green’ moisturizing childlike heart, ‘love’ growing up”, forming a “cultivating students with patriotism, healthy brain, healthy body, health body, healthy body, healthy body, healthy body, healthy body, healthy body, healthy body, healthy body, healthy body, healthy body, health body, healthy body, health, and health,The goal of educating people with green and dexterous hands.The school emphasizes the sustainable development of “integration of knowledge and action”. With the continuous rich green culture of the school, moist students ‘minds, and cultivate students’ green personality and green behavior from the inside out.In order to meet the diversified needs of students, the school has set up green basic courses, green expansion courses, and green specialty courses. Green courses are an important support for the school’s implementation of green education and creating green schools.The course of curriculum of transcendence and future to build a green curriculum system. The green curriculum system not only emphasizes the transmission of knowledge, but also pays more attention to the training of ability. The green curriculum system not only occurs in the classroom, but also the integration of people in the school and outside the school.Adhere to the educational concept of “people -oriented”, cultivate students’ correct ecological values, and have the ability to sustainable development.
Under the guidance of the concept of green education, the school actively practiced the spirit of the new curriculum, and coordinated the design and implementation of cross -disciplinary green theme courses.The deputy principal of the school and the solemn team of Beijing special teachers led the teacher team to read the book “Design and Implementation of the Design and Implementation of Cross -disciplinary Practice Activities” in combination with the book of Teacher Liu Ling.The difficulties and challenges encountered in several aspects of the leaders, experts, and teachers on the scene shared the experience and effect of implementing the school’s interdisciplinary green theme courses, and received unanimous praise from the participants.
The four student representatives of the Chaoyang School of Beijing Second Experimental Primary School conducted a report on cross -disciplinary practice activities.
The student representatives in the fourth grade class conducted the report of “The Magical Effect of Cao Cao -Promoting the Culture of Chinese Herbal Medicine”, and through their own experience, checking materials, visiting well -known experts, questionnaires, and summary sharing, etc.Anti -itching and swelling plants enter everyone’s vision, so that everyone can learn more about some traditional Chinese herbal medicine culture, spread the concept of ecological environmental protection and Chinese herbal medicine culture.
The student representatives of Class 5 of the fifth grade introduced themselves through literature research, field surveys, and personal participation in the repair of coral reefs, and deeply learned about the protection of coral protection in Bali, Indonesia.She hopes that more people can pay attention to the protection of coral reef ecosystems and reduce the pollution of human activities to the environment.
Two students in class 1 class 1 report on the practical activity of “The Tiles of Ancient buildings on the central axis in Beijing”.The inheritors and promoters, the students have created a wealth of print art works to contribute their own strength to the construction of a cultural power.
Dr. Liu Ling proposed to build the theme of green education interdisciplinary theme courses to promote the sustainable development of teachers and students. Beijing Second Experimental Primary School Chaoyang School learned the minor and careful design of green education.Today’s ten classroom teaching has been displayed in a series of layered display, and green education is implemented through conventional classroom teaching of the subject.The school has now established a set of green courses. It is hoped that the school can combine 10%of cross -disciplinary courses in cross -disciplinary green courses for overall planning, enrich and improve green courses, and promote sustainable development of teachers and students.
Dr. Shi Gendong affirmed the practical research and themes of the school’s ecological civilization and sustainable development education. The green is strong, which clearly reflects the school’s school concept of “green” and childlike heart.The participation of multidisciplinary disciplines in practical research highlights the innovative spirit of young teachers, and clearly reflects the school -running concept of “love ‘education and growth”.Dr. Shi also put forward suggestions on the future development of the school: the development of the new era requires cultivating innovative talents, the innovative paradigm of green education interdisciplinary theme courses and the relative connection of E-Steam courses;The key process combines E-Steam courses with comprehensive practical activities.
Teacher Tao Liguang affirmed the construction of green curriculum construction and teaching teachers at Chaoyang School of Beijing Second Experimental Primary School.I saw the development of all students in the classroom, and teachers provided students with room for display development.The school will integrate the curriculum, promote each other, and develop symbiosis with each other.Integrate the concept of sustainable green into the teaching of various disciplines, integrate into the school’s moral education activities, combine comprehensive practical courses with 10%of the practical courses of each discipline, and better implement the green of the school’s sustainable development.idea.In the end, Mr. Tao On behalf of the “Special Committee”, the Chaoyang School of Beijing Second Experimental Primary School was identified as a characteristic school in Beijing’s comprehensive practice.
Beijing Second Experimental Primary School Chaoyang School is working hard from low -carbon campus to zero -carbon campus, and actively participate in the public welfare project of the Beijing Economic and Social Development Foundation “carbon reduction, love cycle” public welfare project, and carry out monthly love through this projectRecycling, quantitative emission reduction, hoping to build the school to eliminate carbon neutrality, as a breakthrough in the innovation of green environmental protection education as the school.From this zero carbon meeting as the starting point, the carbon emissions of the conference with the amount of carbon reduction with the emission of second -hand clothes recovered by the children’s meeting was offset.
The conference was designed to explore how to integrate “green education” into the entire process of school running and achieve “green education” for all employees.The success of the activity not only provides strong support for the construction of the green cross -disciplinary theme course of the Beijing Second Experimental Primary School Chaoyang School, but also injects new impetus for the development of green education in regional and even nationwide.