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After Trump’s administration, the "US -Japan Alliance" adds chaos to the security environment in East Asia

After Trump’s ruling, the United States and Japan passed the summit meeting and confirmed that the Diaoyu Islands were suitable for Article 5 of the US -Japan Security Treaty.This trend further confirmed and enhanced the direction and pertinence of the US -Japanese Alliance mechanism to China.In this context, the targeted action against China to prevent the US -Japan Alliance should be an important issue for maintaining China’s national security.

The US President Trump had a short time with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to confirm the importance of the United States and Japan alliances and showed the international community to the US -Japan “firm and close alliance relations.”The U.S. -Japan head communicates and seek consensus in the areas of politics, economy, trade, military and security, and discuss “common strategic interests”.At the same time, the two countries also strived to resolve bilateral trade frictions to further clarify the direction and pertinence of the US -Japan alliance.The United States and Japan starts from the position of safeguarding the vested interests and the solidification alliance mechanism to control the Asia -Pacific position, and once again confirmed that the Diaoyu Islands are targeted at China for Article 5 of the “US -Japan Security Treaty”.Essence

The military and security functions of the United States and Japan Alliance have been strengthened

Japan -US relations are the core of Japanese diplomacy, and strengthening the alliance mechanism is the top priority of Japan’s foreign relations.Abe delivered a policy of politics at the plenary conference of the Congress of the Congress in early 2017 that the Japanese -American Alliance was the “basal axis of the Japanese diplomacy and security policy” and the “unchanged principle”.He said that President Trump’s pursuit of “priority in the United States” asked the allies to increase the military expenses affordable, not to shake the foundation of the Japanese and American alliances, but to deepen the alliance mechanism.Worried about the implementation of the remarks of Trump’s re -adjustment of the “US -Japan Security Treaty” in the election, Abe has changed to the Summit of the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Organization (APEC) summit for Lima, Peru,Trump showed goodly, saying that “the trust of not establishing a trusted between the Japanese and American alliances cannot play a role”, which is intended to show the outside world to show the “firm and close alliance relations” to the outside world.Abe also stated in Trump’s greetings as President of the United States: “I am looking forward to working together to ensure the peace and prosperity of the Asia -Pacific region and cope with the topic facing the world.”

Trump’s intention to adjust the relationship between the allies’ relationships in power made Abe anxious to emphasize the importance of the Japanese and American alliances.Given that Trump has been strongly demanding that Japan has strongly demanded that Japan has further increased the burden on the cost of US military expenses in Japan, and Japan follows the usual diplomatic routine of “Jinyuan Kai Road”.Investment of US $ 150 billion; at the same time, “conforming to” Trump’s “priority of the United States” promised to create 700,000 jobs in the United States and an infrastructure market with a market value of 450 billion US dollars.For the urgent willingness of Abe to strengthen the alliance, Trump gave a response to “peace of mind”.In the US -Japan summit on February 10, 2017, Trump said that the United States and Japan were “important allies” and “the United States and Japan alliances are the foundation of peace and stability in the Asia -Pacific region.”The United States will be committed to defending Japan in all military strength, including conventional weapons and nuclear weapons, and this promise is “unshakable.”The US -Japan leader also declared to the media that “the United States and Japan’s bonds and friendship are very deep” and “will work hard to make (US -Japan relations) closer.”

Based on their vested interests and “common interests”, the US -Japan leaders confirm the importance and sustainability of bilateral alliances.However, in Trump’s view, while the Japanese and South Korea and other allies are protected by US security, they should also bear corresponding responsibilities and obligations.Therefore, when Abe visited the United States, a policy specifically expanded the role of the Self -Defense Force based on the “Security Related Law”, trying to change Trump’s ideas in the presidential election.In accordance with the “Security Related Law”, it can exercise collective self -defense rights to serve the U.S. military, and has begun to implement the task of protecting American ships.Abe also deliberately expressed his “understanding and respect” concept of “U.S. Priority” pursued by Trump, and strived to accept Trump’s political concept in exchange for its admission to Japan, fighting for the Japanese heads of the United StatesThe Japan -US League Relations in the New Era “.In Abe’s view, the “positive and peacetime” that he advocates the “complement each other” with the Asian strategy in the United States, in line with the common interests of the Japan -US Alliance.He said that the Japanese party strives to strengthen the defense forces and play a greater role, including the implementation of the security legal system that allows the US military to exercise collective self -defense as its main content.These are the changes in the premise of the Japanese and American Alliance.Abe has repeatedly welcomed the “great American” attitude and caters to Trump’s “priority to the United States”.In this way, Abe also received the statement and confirmation of Trump’s strengthening of the US -Japan League relationship.

Trade friction affects the deepening of bilateral relations in the United States and Japan

At the beginning of Trump, he signed the Presidential Agreement of “Permanent Exit” and the “Cross -Pacific Partnership Agreement” (TPP) and criticized Japan’s trade policies for the United States, thereby increasing the bilateral economic and trade frictions and risks of the United States and Japan.Abe also realized that the continuous economic and trade relations of Japan and the United States will affect the deepening of the Japan -US alliance relations.

The focus of Japan and the United States trade is Japan’s closed automotive field and agriculture and animal husbandry protected by tariffs.In fact, the Japanese -American trade deficit represented by the automotive industry has always been a stubborn illness that affects Japan -US relations.In Trump’s view, trade liberalization has accelerated the relief of American companies to move overseas, which is the reason for many Americans to unemployment.Therefore, the United States needs to expand employment through innovative trade policies.Japan’s strong trade surplus in the United States has led the Trump administration to inflow a large amount of criticism to Japanese products.Trump claims to correct the “unfair” trade.At the same time, Trump has signed the presidential order of “permanent withdrawal” TPP, instead seeking to conclude a bilateral trade agreement for the United States and Japan.Trump also claims that in the bilateral trade agreement, “it will be written into extremely strict regulations for preventing the operation of the exchange rate.”Because Trump believes that the Abe administration is guiding the devaluation of the yen, it is accused of Japan’s exchange rate manipulation.The Japanese side was worried that the Trump administration requested to increase exports from the United States and “prohibit the devaluation of the yen” from the United States, and compressed Japan to revoke or further reduce tariffs on sensitive agricultural products such as beef.To this end, Abe, while emphasizing the importance of the Japanese and American alliances and free trade, proposed measures to contribute to infrastructure and employment in the United States, and explained that Japanese companies, including the automotive industry, created about 800,000 employment in the United States in the United hopes that Trump recognizes that Japan is not only in security, but also an indispensable partner in the United States.

Abe deliberately strengthen the meeting with President Trump to avoid the “overall situation” of Japan -US trade frictions and alliance relations.The Japanese government is concerned that the “trade war” of Japan and the United States will affect the alliance between the two parties, so it deliberately shows a list of investment in the United States to the Trump administration to ease the relationship between Japan and the United States.This list called “Japan -US economic growth and employment initiative” includes five major contents: build the world’s most advanced infrastructure in the United States; open up global infrastructure needs; joint research on robots and artificial intelligence (AI); network and space issuesCommon response; foreign economic cooperation for employment and defense.At the same time, the initiative stated that 700,000 jobs were created in the field of infrastructure investment in the US infrastructure, and invested $ 150 billion in ten years.Investing in the US high -speed railway with officials and people exported Japan’s Shinkansen technology to the United States.Japan also plans to participate in the high -efficiency gas thermal power station project and expand imported LNG from the United States.In addition, Japan and the United States also plans to cooperate in the formulation of trade rules in the field of government procurement and e -commerce (EC) to make it easier for companies to enter emerging market countries.The Japanese government hopes to make President Trump aware of the benefits of cooperation in Japan and the United States in a wider range of economic and trade fields through this performance, seeking alleviating the United States’ continuous criticism of Japan in the field of automobile trade and foreign exchange policies, showing the common growth of Japan and the United States economyThe “win -win” relationship.At the same time, Abe hopes to open negotiations between the two countries to sign the economic and trade agreement through this investment list to replace the U.S. impact on the U.S. withdrawal of TPP on the Japanese and American trade and the Japanese economy.

Since Trump announced that the United States has withdrawn from TPP, the Abe government has deeply felt anxiety about Japan -US economic and trade issues.The Japanese government tried to show the expansion of free trade through the promotion of the “Japan -Europe Economic Partnership Agreement Agreement” (EPA) negotiations to attract the United States to return to TPP.Japan also emphasized that China ’s influence on the“ Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement ”(RCEP) has increased its influence and shows to the United States that the serious consequences of withdrawing from TPP.In view of the firm position of Trump’s “permanently withdrawn from TPP”, Abe’s desire for the Asia -Pacific region by constructing the “Japan -US Economic Union” completely ended.It can be said that TPP is not only regarded as a new driving force for “Abe Economics”, but also a political tool that Abe relies on the economic integration of the Asia -Pacific region to dominate the Asia -Pacific region.The United States suddenly withdrew from TPP that Abe was difficult to succeed by curbing China’s purpose, and Japan would also face more severe economic challenges, that is, they must start negotiations between the bilateral trade agreement between Japan and the United States.

Trump advocates replacing TPPs with a bilateral trade agreement that is more likely to reflect the United States, and demands that Japan has corrected the imbalance of bilateral trade in the United States and Japan.In the end of March 2017, the United States released the Trump administration’s first “Trade Bar Movies Report”, stating that it will require Japan to further open the market and point out that the Japanese agricultural product market “has major barriers”.Tariff barriers hinder American car sales “, showing a strong desire to reduce the deficit of the Japanese trade.Abe said that in the context of the United States withdrawing from TPP, it sought to negotiate with a bilateral free trade agreement with the United States and maintain a framework agreement on joining the TPP between Japan and the United States.In a joint statement after Trump and Abe’s summit talks, the two sides should start a dialogue with “economic policy”, “trade and investment rules” and “economic cooperation such as infrastructure and energy” as the main topics.The two sides reached a consensus to form a negotiation mechanism in the fields of trade and investment in the fields of trade and investment.After the first US -Japan economic dialogue on April 18th, Pence said that if the Japanese -American Free Trade Agreement (FTA) negotiations will be launched in the future, the United States will ask Japan to ask Japan in rice, beef and other fields, and automobiles.Open the market extent.

It can be seen that if the United States is positioned as a “Japanese -US economic dialogue” that has not achieved substantial progress in the reduction of the “Japanese -American economic dialogue” that has reduced the means of trade deficit, it will inevitably require the Japanese party to compromise.The United States attaches great importance to the bilateral free trade agreement (FTA), and Japan places its focus on the multilateral framework such as the “Cross -Pacific Partnership Agreement” that has been withdrawn in the United States.It also failed to meet the serious differences in bilateral economic and trade levels.This shows that the conflict between the interests of the United States and Japan in the future economic and trade negotiations is inevitable and may affect the deepening of the United States and Japan alliances.

The directional impact and response of the United States and Japan Alliance’s point of view of China

After Trump’s administration, the US -Japan Alliance was further confirmed to China.Japan’s intention to exercise collective self -defense in the United States and Japan League’s framework based on the “New Security Law” has become increasingly prominent.In particular, Abe and Trump confirmed that the issue of the Diaoyu Islands is suitable for Article 5 of the “US -Japan Security Treaty”.China’s direction.In this context, the targeted action against China to prevent the US -Japan Alliance should be an important issue for maintaining China’s national security.

The first is to be alert to the intention and actions of the US -Japan Alliance to intervene in the security affairs of the South China Sea.After Trump came to power, Abe asked Trump to continue his affairs in the Asia -Pacific region and jointly responded to China’s “frequent marine activities” with the United States and Japan alliances.Abe emphasized that the role played by the Japanese and American alliances will become more and more important, hoping to further strengthen the “unbreakable alliance bond”.Abe hopes that Japan and the United States can exchange opinions on “China that strengthens activities in the South China Sea”, and strives to send warships to the South China Sea to maintain “freedom of navigation” and continue to exert the military influence of the United States in the Asia -Pacific region.The Japanese Defense Minister of Japan also called on the U.S. military to continue to pay attention to the situation in the South China Sea, and said that Japan’s “freedom of navigation” in supporting the US military will expand cooperation with security with Southeast Asian countries and provide assistance to the US military.

The relief of the relationship between China and the Philippines, Vietnam and other South China Sea, and made the Japan -US alliance a sense of anxiety in Japan, which became the “cornerstone” of the Asia -Pacific region to be peaceful and stable.How to make the Trump administration confirm the targeted significance of the United States and Japan alliances and understand the “complexity” of East Asia’s security protection environment, which has become the top priority of the Japanese government to US diplomacy.The Japanese government calls for the need to maintain the concept of “attaching importance to Asian strategy” in the Obama period, pay attention to the “South China Sea situation”, and hopes that Trump will maintain the continuity of US diplomacy and security policies.In order to resolve Japan’s doubts about the sustainability of the US Asia -Pacific policy, Trump explained the direction of China to China in the U.S. -Japan Alliance and showed the importance of Japan to the US’s interest in the Asia -Pacific interests.U.S. ships conducted joint training with the Japanese Maritime Self -Defense Force Ship in May 2017 in May 2017 to implement the so -called “freedom of navigation”.With the banner of implementing the “New Security Law” to exercise collective self -defense rights, Japan sent the helicopter carrier “Izumo” and the frigates “Lian” to implement the “formation confirmation of formation confirmation of formation confirmation”Communication Training” and other joint training to show the intention of Japanese -American cooperation to restrict China’s marine rights protection activities.After Trump stated that he will continue to be committed to Japan’s defense, Abe further emphasizes that “the freedom of navigation of the East China Sea, the South China Sea, and the Indian Ocean, oppose unilateral changes, and follow international standards.”Strong measures call on Japan and the United States to cooperate closely.

The second is to be alert to the United States and Japan once again confirmed that Article 5 of the “US -Japan Security Treaty” is suitable for China.Since the United States illegally privately and privately and privately and privately, the so -called Diaoyu Islands’ “administrative power” and the Ryukyu Islands have “returned” Japan, the United States has not held a clear position on the issue of sovereign disputes on the Diaoyu Islands.However, in recent years, the United States and Japan have repeatedly confirmed that the Diaoyu Islands apply for the scope of defense clauses in Article 5 of the US -Japan Security Treaty.After Trump’s ruling, Abe applied to the Fifth of the “US -Japan Security Treaty” to the Diaoyu Islands, and was regarded as a top priority of Japan’s diplomacy against the United States, and even further deteriorated Sino -Japanese relations.Abe intends to target China’s marine rights protection activities in the East China and South China Sea, and uses the pretext of preventing the rise of China’s military as an excuse to emphasize the targetedness of the Japanese and American alliances.Abe emphasized that Article 5 of the “US -Japan Security Treaty” has stated that “the parties to each party have announced in the field of Japanese governance.Standardized and procedures to take action to cope with common hazards. “Abe’s mind will let the U.S. government confirm that Article 5 of the U.S. -Japan Security Treaty is applicable to the Diaoyu Islands issue.In order to alleviate Japan’s uneasy emotions for the “Trump era”, Tillerson took the lead in saying that the United States had “defense obligations” on the Diaoyu Islands as a U.S. Secretary of State.And emphasized that “the United States has long maintained alliance with Japan and South Korea in Asia.”Abe visited the United States at the beginning of Trump at the beginning of Trump, and wrote about the Diaoyu Islands in the statement of the Diaoyu Islands in the Statement of the two countries.In this regard, Abe’s joint statement on the Japanese Parliament on the Japanese and American joint states that Article 5 of the “Japan -US Security Treaty” was applied to the Diaoyu Islands claim that “there is no need to confirm one by one in the future.”For the Chinese side, if Ren Abe’s above view is rendered and flooded in the international community, it is bound to infringe the sovereignty of “Diaoyu Islands is the inherent territory of China”. China needs to clarify China’s determination to maintain territorial sovereignty in both sides of China, the United States, and China.Warning the danger of the U.S. -Japan alliance to China.

Third, for the direction of China for the United States and Japan alliances, on the basis of expressing the determination of territorial sovereignty, China should use the constructive action control of constructive operations such as dialogue and consultation to control China, the United States, China and Japan, and emphasize the common “regional interests” of peace and stability in East Asia.The United States and Japan emphasize the common “strategic interests” and continuously show the so -called “firm and close alliance relations.”By building a high -level economic and trade consultation mechanism to resolve the risk of upgrading bilateral trade friction; by rendering the “Chinese threat theory”, it is confirmed that Article 5 of the “US -Japan Security Treaty” is applicable to the Diaoyu Islands issue.Japan ’s strength to strengthen the Japan -US alliance relations, one can fight back with China’ s high -intensity strategy, and the other can continue to emphasize its importance as the American firm ally in the Asia -Pacific region.prepare for.

Although the United States and Japan have reached a consensus on strengthening the alliance mechanism, there are also differences in dealing with relations with China.Abe publicly rendered Trump to recognize the content of the “US -Japan Security Treaty” to the Diaoyu Islands.Sino -US cooperation is conducive to Japan. “

It is worth noting that the United States and Japan are upgraded again around Article 5 of the Diaoyu Islands on the Diaoyu Islands.The relationship is added to the complicated East Asian security environment.Facts show that China starts from the common “regional interests” of peace and stability in East Asia, and advocates the constructive actions of regional cooperation such as the “Belt and Road” and “Asian Investment Bank”, which highlights the incompetence of the US -Japan military alliance to China.